Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Life Behind the Lens

I hear it all the time, "You're always behind your camera!" It's true, I know, but being a photographer and having such cute kids, it's simply a fact of life. I love taking pictures... capturing all those little moments that often go unnoticed, those precious firsts, milestones of life... the things we all want to remember when we grow old and are looking back on life.
But there is also a lot about me that doesn't hide behind my camera's lens, the quiet (and sometimes not-so-quiet) moments with my family, the yummy recipes cooking in my kitchen and most recently, a goal to read 35 books in 2010.
I've never been good at keeping a journal... I'll leave that job to my little sister, and I won't lie - getting this blog started has been a tad bit intimidating, but hopefully I'll get better at it as time goes by. We've all heard the saying, "A picture is worth a thousand words," but when I look back, I want to remember the stories behind the pictures, the things that made us laugh and cry, the random comments my children sometimes make - the real story of my life behind the lens.
Who knows where this blog will take me, but I'm glad you're along for the ride.

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